
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Rules

Please read these before joining. I know, nobody really likes rules, but they're needed.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

1 1 The Rules
Jan 19, 2013 17:49:57 GMT
No New Posts Tainted Magic Plot

Here you will find the main plot, along with any mini-plots that we have going at a certain point in time.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

Sub-boards: The Main Plot, Mini Plots

1 1 The Main Plot
Jan 27, 2013 22:28:50 GMT


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No New Posts New Applications

Here you will find the application templates and you will also have to post your finished (or WIP) application under here so that you can be sorted.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

Sub-boards: Adults, Students, Children

6 6 narcissa elladora MALFOY [WIP]
Mar 3, 2013 14:14:05 GMT
No New Posts Accepted and sorted

All applications that have been accepted will be placed here and put under their correct sub-board.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

Sub-boards: Hufflepuff Students, Gryffindor Students, Ravenclaw Students, Slytherin Students, Children, Order Members, Teachers, Death Eaters, Other Adults

5 9 Remus John LUPIN
Mar 20, 2013 5:40:49 GMT
No New Posts Pending

Applciations that we have found a problem with, or we haven't quite made a decision about, will be placed here for reassessing later.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

2 4 Bellatrix Lestrange (WIP)
Feb 25, 2013 4:30:10 GMT


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Face Claim

This is where you will find all of the play bys that have been claimed by other members already. You can also find a list of reserved faces.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

2 2 The Faces of our Wizards
Sept 18, 2011 13:10:23 GMT
No New Posts Other Claims

Come here to claim your Quidditch places, your prefect positions, jobs and other pieces.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

2 3 Prefect Claims
Mar 2, 2013 14:17:12 GMT
No New Posts Who plays who?

This is just so that we can keep track of who plays who once we get more members and characters. It may get confusing otherwise.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

1 1 What Characters Do You Play?
Jan 25, 2013 4:43:36 GMT
No New Posts Plot Bunnies

Plot Bunnies help to fit new characters in with one another. Find your character a friend, enemie and anything else

Moderator: LILY EVANS

5 17 I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good [Prongs]
Mar 2, 2013 15:23:03 GMT
No New Posts Character List

A list that shows what characters are available, who is taken and who has been reserved

Moderator: LILY EVANS

1 10 Canon list
Jan 25, 2013 1:36:45 GMT
No New Posts Thread Trackers

Just so that you don't lose track of any of your threads.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts House Applications

Apply for your characters house to be made here.

You will also find a thread in here for Hogwarts dorm rooms.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

2 6 Malfoy Manor
Mar 2, 2013 14:58:04 GMT


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Potions Classroom

A subject that is required for students from years 1 to 5 to take.

Teacher - Professor Slughorn

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Slughorn's Office

Got a detention or a part of the Slug-Club? This is most likely the place for you.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Dungeons

The Dungeons passages and corridors under the school are cold dark and damp, and lit by torches. It is known Slytherin territory, so Gryffindors and Mudbloods beware.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Slytherin Dungeon

The Slytherin Dungeon is the home to the snakes. Inside you will find the common room and dormitories.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

Sub-boards: Slytherin Common Room, Slytherin Girls Dorms, Slytherin Boys Dorms

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No New Posts Kitchens

Directly under the Great Hall, the Kitchens are full to happy little House Elves who live to serve you. Just so long as you know which fruit to tickle..

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Hufflepuff Basement

Down by the kitchens the Hufflepuff basement is the only area that has a safety feature - if someone taps the wrong rhythm or the wrong barrel then vinegar is dumped on them.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

Sub-boards: Hufflepuff Girls Dorms, Hufflepuff Boys Dorms, Hufflepuff Common Room

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Ground Floor

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No New Posts Great Hall

A vast chamber with a ceiling enchanted to mirror the sky outside. There are four long tables in the hall as well as the head table where the staff sit. The Houses sit in the following order: Slytherin - Ravenclaw - Hufflepuff - Gryffindor

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Entrance Hall

The large entrance area to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To enter the great castle you must pass through the large oak doors.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Staff Room

A long room with mismatched, dark furniture and a large wardrobe hidden away in the corner. A wardrobe that is often home to a boggart.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Empty Classroom

One of many empty classrooms of Hogwarts. This one is filled with with old desks and chairs and has quite the blanket of dust.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Caretakers Office

A small room that is light by a single oil lamp hanging from the ceiling. The caretakers office has a strange stink to it, that stink being fried fish. The caretaker has a number of tall filing cabinets filled with misdeeds of students.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Transfiguration Classroom

This is where all Transfiguration are held.
It is required for all students betwen first year and fifth year to take. But can be dropped in your sixth year during your NEWTs, although it is looked upon as a good thing if you do carry on with it.

Professor - Minerva McGonagoll

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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First Floor

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No New Posts Hospital Wing

This is where you are expected to go if you are sick or hurt. It could be a Quidditch inccident or a cold, if it needs sorting out medically then this is the place.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Professor McGonagall's Office

This is the office of Professor Mcgonagall. She is the Head of Gryffindor, Deputy-Headmistress and the schools Transfiguration professor.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Muggle Studies Classroom

This is where Muggle Studies takes place.
It is an optional class for those in their third year and above. Although once you reach NEWTs you have to have a certain grade to enter.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts History of Magic Classroom

This is where all History of Magic classes are held. The lesson where the highlight is the ghost professor gliding through the board.. Its the perfect little place for a nap in the middle of the day.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

1 3 A History Of Mischief
Mar 30, 2013 13:37:43 GMT

Second Floor

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No New Posts Broom Storage

This is where you can store your brooms while they arent needed. But, really, who says its just for brooms...

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Girls Toilets

The second floor girls toilets. Its just your normal bathroom with its own cheery little ghost. Oh, and did I mention that its the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets?

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Empty Classroom

Another unused classroom in the castle. Use it for whatever you like..

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Corridor

There are lots of corridors in Hogwarts but this is the main one on the second floor.
It isn't normally that busy unless classes are starting.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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Third Floor

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No New Posts Trophy Room

This is where all of the school trophies / awards / medals / cups / plates / shields are held in crystal display cases. Also there is a long list of all of the Head Boys and Girls that the school has had over the years.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Charms Classroom

This is where all Charms lessons are held.
It is a class that is required for students in their first to fifth year to take. Then after that it depends on your grades. It is noted to be a good lesson to take though, so try your hardest.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom

This is where all Defence Against the Dark Arts classes take place. I wonder who the teacher will be this year..

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts One-Eyed Witch Passage

This is a secret tunnel that leads from the castle to the cellar of Honeydukes.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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Fourth Floor

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No New Posts Corridor

This is where Peeves likes to spend his time. So you may want to avoid this corridor if you can, that is unless you want to be attacked by him.
Oh and this is also where the trick-step is, so mind your step when going up the stairs.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Professor Binns's Office

The History of Magic professor's office. Professor Binns is a ghost and probably doesn't use the majority of what is in his office..

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Library

A large room where silence is expected from you. Madame Pince is the librarian, and she is very protective of her books.
Absolutley no food or drink is allowed in the library, and NO spells are to be practiced in there!

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts The Mirror's Room

This is a fairly large room where only one thing is kept - The Mirror of Erised.
Its quite a maze to find it and not many understand what the mirror really shows.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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Fifth Floor

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No New Posts Corridor

This is the long corridor located on the fifth floor. Be warned - It gets very crowded between classes.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Prefects Bathroom

This is the bathroom that is strictly reserved for Prefects, Quidditch Captains and Head Boys/Girls. It is a large bathroom complete with a swimming pool sized tube, complete with a diving board.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Music Hall

All kinds of music are taught here. And this is where the School Choir practices.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Art Room

The Hogwarts art room is where all art techniques are taught - both muggle and magical.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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Sixth Floor

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No New Posts Classroom 6A

This is where Ancient Runes is taught. This class is only for those in their third year and higher and is optional.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Classroom 6B

This is an empty classroom, it is smaller than the others as it can only fit a class of around nine students.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts East Wing

The East Wing is a large hall located on the sixth floor. There is a fireplace there and portraits on the walls.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Corridor

The sixth floor corridor is just another corridor in Hogwarts. This one connects to the sixth floor of the Grand Staircase. At the end of this corridor there hangs a little cage with a small bird inside it.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Room of Rewards

The Room of Rewards is a secret room hidden behind the portrait of Vindictus Veridian on the Grand Staircase. This room notes down various achievements by students over the years, but is not to be confused with the school Trophy Room.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Professor's Office

The office is fairly roomy - it has a fireplace, two large sofas and a round table large enough for ten.

This office is up for grabs by any member of teaching staff that currently does not have one.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Disused Boys Lavatory

This is simply one of many boys toilets around the castle - this one however is not used.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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Seventh Floor

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No New Posts Fat Lady's Corridor

This corridor holds the portrait of the Fat Lady and the entrance to the Gryffindor Common Room. The corridor is fairly close to the Grand Staircase.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Professor Flitwick's Office

This is the Head of Ravenclaw's office, it is the thirteenth window along from the right of the West Tower. This office contains a desk, portraits and sleeping quarters.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Room of Requirement

The Room of Requirement is a secret room on the seventh floor of Hogwarts. The room only appears when a person is in need of it, but it then becomes exactly what they need.
The room is supposed to be unplottable and therefore is not on the Marauder's Map.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Classroom 7A

This is where Arithmancy classes are taught at the school. In the room there are number charts and blackboards.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts North Wing

This wing has hundreds of bookshelves lined against the wall along with various tables and chairs scattered around the room. It is known throughout the castle as either the Reading Room or the Study Hall.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Divination Classroom

This classroom is accessible through a circular trapdoor. The room itself is described as a mix between somebody's attic and an old-fashioned teashop.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

Sub-board: Divination Professors Office

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No New Posts Astronomy Tower

The Astronomy Tower is, obviously, where Astronomy lessons are taught. These lessons normally go on late at night.
It is also a fairly romantic place when there are no lessons going on.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Bell Towers

There are two Bell Towers at Hogwarts and they are both pretty great places to look out over Hogwarts.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Clock Tower

The Clock Tower looks out over an old courtyard. There is space behind the dial of the clock for a person to stand - either to look out over the courtyard or to work on the clock.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Gryffindor Tower

The Gryffindor Tower is located behind the portrait of the Fat Lady, a password is required for the portrait to reveal the entrance, which is actually a simple hole in the wall.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

Sub-boards: Gryffindor Common Room, Gryffindor Girls Dorms, Gryffindor Boys Dorms

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No New Posts Headmasters Tower

The Headmasters Office is reached by means of a circular, moving stone staircase. The gargoyle will step aside in response to the correct password. Inside you will find the headmasters office and quarters.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Ravenclaw Tower

To access the Ravenclaw tower you have to climb a tight spiral staircase. The way to actually get into this tower is by answering a logical riddle, if you get it wrong though then you must wait for someone else to come along.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

Sub-boards: Ravenclaw Common Room, Ravenclaw Girls Dorms, Ravenclaw Boys Dorms

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Hogwarts Grounds

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No New Posts Black Lake

The Black Lake is home to the Giant Squid, mermaids and numerous other creatures. You can come here to take a dip if you want. Just make sure you don't get caught.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Forbidden Forest

The Forbidden Forest is, as the name suggest, forbidden, so expect a detention if you get found in here. Or you could just not get caught and go and find out for yourself exactly why it is forbidden.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Greenhouses

The Greenhouses are where the Herbology lessons take place. You can also visit here for reasons other than class though.

Professor - Pomona Sprout

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Hagrid's Hut

This is where Hagrid, the keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts, lives with his dog, Fang. Come and visit him for a friendly chat, just watch out for those rock cakes

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Quidditch Pitch

This is where Quidditch matches, practices and try-outs happen. This place can get very busy when matches happen.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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The Wizarding World

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No New Posts Azkaban

The wizard jail. If you post here then you're character is most likely locked up.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts St Mungos

Founded by famous wizard Healer Mungo Bonham, St. Mungo's is located in London.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Wizarding Homes

This is where the homes of wizard and witches can be found.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

Sub-boards: Grimmauld Place, Malfoy Manor

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No New Posts Hogsmeade Village

Found in Scotland, Hogsmeade is the all wizarding village which Hogwarts students in their third year and above, with parent/guardian permission, are allowed to visit during weekends.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Knockturn Alley

Knockturn Alley is the shopping area found just off Diagon Alley. Mainly dark and dangerous people wander down there. It is filled with unusual shops that are devoted to the dark arts.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Diagon Alley

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Games

Anyone can start a game, just create a new thread under here.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

2 2 [IC] Hotness Meter
Oct 11, 2011 20:58:11 GMT
No New Posts Chat

This is an area just to chat in OOC.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Graphics

Here you can advertise your skills or ask for a signature/avata/creator tab to be made for you.

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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No New Posts Advertise

Only post here if we can do the same on yours

Moderator: LILY EVANS

Sub-boards: Link Back, Our advertisement, First Link

32 32 United We Stand | au trio era hp | 1 year+ [lb]
by tom riddle jr
Apr 20, 2013 1:15:27 GMT
No New Posts Under the Invisibility Cloak

Only administrator's can "go under the cloak" This is where administrator's can discuss plans and the such

Moderator: LILY EVANS

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